to the station name to denote multiple frequency pairs. For example, station name
FURUNO followed by -1, -2, -3, etc. for each frequency pair required.
9.2.1 Registering stations
1. Press the function key [F5] followed by the [1] key to show the Station Entry screen.
Station Entry
Station List
Station Set Up
Station : _
ID Code :
Mode : ARQ FEC
CH/Table : Channel ScanTable
Station entry screen
2. On the right-hand side of the screen, Create and Change are shown and Create
should be underlined. If it is not, underline it by pressing [→], [↑] and the [Enter] key.
3. The cursor is now choosing Station. Enter station name, using up to 18 characters.
4. Press the [↓] key to choose ID Code. Enter station ID code.
5. Press the [↓] key to choose Mode. Choose communication mode with [←] or [→]
among the following:
ARQ: Automatic Retransmission Request
FEC: Forward Error Correction
6. Press the [↓] key to choose CH/Table. Choose ScanTable or Channel as appropriate.
7. Press the [↓] key to choose Num/Table.
offered by Busse-Yachtshop.de email: info@busse-yachtshop.de