Chapter 1 Overview 1-1
1-1 Features
The DVW-700 series
Digital BETACAM Camcorder combines a color
video camera, which uses FIT
type Hyper HAD
1000 sensor CCDs
with a Digital BETACAM series portable videocassette recorder. Its
excellent image quality, sensitivity, portability, and dust- and water-
proof construction make it ideal as a camcorder for ENG
and EFP
the same way as its predecessor, the BVW-400 / 400P. The introduction
of a new method of processing digital signals improves the image quality
even further and makes the camcorder far easier to use.
The DVW-700WS / 700WSP combine the basic design of its predecesor,
the DVW-700 / 700P, with a new switchable CCD that allows you to
select between a conventional ratio aspect of 4:3 and a wide screen ratio
aspect of 16:9.
1-1-1 Camera Features
The features of the DVW-700 series camera are described below.
• FIT-type Hyper HAD sensor CCDs ensure the very best possible image
• Digital signal processing has improved picture quality, stability, and
• A setup menu enables you to control features such as status displays,
messages, and markers; to select values or functions; and to operate a
setup card.
• A setup card makes it easy to replicate the recorder setup data
appropriate to the shooting conditions, and ensures uniform shooting.
1) The DVW-700 / 700WS are for the NTSC broadcast system. The DVW-700P /
700WSP are for the PAL broadcast system. The descriptions given in this
manual apply to both models, any differences being clearly noted in the text.
2) FIT : Frame Interline Transfer
3) Hyper HAD : Hyper Hole-Accumulated Diode
“Hyper HAD” is a trademark of Sony Corporation.
4) CCD : Charge-Coupled Device
5) ENG : Electronic News Gathering
6) EFP : Electronic Field Production