DVW-790WSP/709WSP/707P P2V1
No. Page Item Setup Description
26 LEVEL 9 MATRIX ON/[OFF] Turns ON/OFF the matrix correction function.
MATRIX TABLE [A]/B Selects the matrix table. (Two status of A and B can be saved.)
(Same as the MATRIX TABLE on page 10 of LEVEL.)
DETECT COLOR [OFF]/EXEC Sets this item to the EXEC position to detect color of multi matrix.
(Align the VF gate marker to any of the color area that is divided
into 16 divisions in the direction of hue, and press the rotary encoder.)
AXIS NUMBER [B]/B+/MG_/MG/ Select the desired hue to be corrected.
SATURATION X ([0]) Set the range in which multi matrix correction works.
HUE X ([0]) Set the hue in which multi matrix correction works.
MATRIX AREA ON/[OFF] Turns ON/OFF the function of indicating zebra pattern on the VF
IND. screen indicating the multi matrix correction detect area.
MATRIX (MULTI) [ON]/OFF Selects wheather the matrix correction values set on this page are
valid or not.
27 LEVEL 10 MATRIX ON/[OFF] Turns ON/OFF the linear matrix correction function.
(Same as MATRIX on the FUNCTION 1/2 pages.)
MATRIX TABLE [A]/B Selects the matrix table. (Two status of A and B can be saved.)
R-G X ([0]) Sets the matrix coefficient.
R-B X ([0])
G-R X ([0])
G-B X ([0])
B-R X ([0])
B-G X ([0])
MATRIX (MASTER) [ON]/OFF Selects wheather the matrix coefficient set on this page is valid
or not.
28 LEVEL 11 H PHASE X ([0]) Adjust the camera H phase during external sync lock mode.
SC PHASE X ([0])
Adjust the camera subcarrier phase during external sync lock mode.
SC 0/180 SEL. 0/180 ([0]) Inverts the SC phase of the camera in the external genlock mode.
SC-H X ([0]) Set the SC-H phase.
29 LEVEL 12 IRIS SET X ([0]) Sets the auto iris reference level.
IRIS MODE X ([0]) Sets sensitivity of AUTO iris. + (PEAK) ↔ _ (AVERAGE)
IRIS WEIGHT [0]/1/2/3/4 Sets the valid range of the auto iris.
Note : The area shown by oblique lines are weighted during
AUTO iris mode.
IRIS SPEED 0/1/[2]/3/4/5 Set the response speed of AUTO iris in the range of
0 (fast) ↔ 5 (slow).
CLIP HIGH LIGHT ON/[OFF] Limits the auto iris detection to 100% for the subject of high
brightness (video level: 100% or more)
2-1. Service Mode