Using Various Additional Functions
Code numbers of controllable AV
amplifiers (receivers)
If more than one code number is listed, try
entering them one at a time until you find the
one that works with your AV amplifier
If you do not connect an AV amplifier
(receiver), you can control your TV’s volume
by setting the code number to 90 (default).
However, you must first set the code number
of controllable TVs as explained above.
Controlling the AV amplifiers
When you set the TV/DVD switch to DVD,
you can control the volume of the AV
amplifier (receiver) using VOL +/–.
Manufacturer Code number
Sony 80, 88, 89, 91
Denon 84, 85, 86
Kenwood 92, 93
Onkyo 81, 82, 83
Pioneer 99
Sansui 87
Technics 97, 98
Yamaha 94, 95, 96