
Using the PROGRAM AE function
You can select from six PROGRAM AE (Auto Exposure) modes to suit your shooting
situation. When you use PROGRAM AE, you can get a portrait effect (the subject is in
focus and the background is out of focus), capture high-speed action, record night
views, etc.
Selecting the best mode
Select a proper PROGRAM AE mode referring to the following description.
: Spotlight mode
Recording a subject spotlighted on a stage or at a wedding ceremony, etc.
: Soft portrait mode
To record
A still subject such as a person or flower
A softened picture
A person in clearer flesh tones
: Sports lesson mode
Capturing high-speed action in sports such as golf or tennis
: Beach & Ski mode
Recording a person in a place such as on the beach or in the ski slopes where there is a
lot of reflection
: Sunset & Moon mode
Recording sunset, night views, fireworks or neon signs
: Landscape mode
Recording a landscape through a window or wire net
Notes on focus setting
In the Spotlight, Sports lesson and Beach & Ski modes, you cannot take close-ups
because the camcorder is set to focus only on subjects in the middle to far distance.
In the Sunset & Moon and Landscape modes, the camcorder is set to focus only on
distant subjects.