
White paper | Xperia™ T2 Ultra
3 January 2014
Super speed and stamina
Does speed have to compromise stamina? The Xperia™ T2 Ultra proves the answer is no. This Sony
smartphone has support for lightning fast LTE networks. For super powerful performance, there’s the
quad-core 1.4 GHz Snapdragon processor. And thanks to Battery STAMINA Mode, you don’t have to
worry about wasted battery drain. This function can recognise when you’re not using your display and
automatically turns off certain functions. In short, that means your battery can last longer.
Sony Select – great content on your Xperia™ T2 Ultra
The best content from different applications and services, all accessible in one view. With Sony Select,
you get the cherries picked for you.
For more information about Sony Select, visit http://www.sonymobile.com/global-en/apps-services/sony-