
Pin No. Pin Name I/O Pin Description
1 PH1 I PH1 detection input (Not used in this set.)
2 D SW I Down switch detection input
3 IN SW/PH2 I Disc in switch detection input
4 LM LD O Loading motor drive output (Loading)
5 LM EJ O Loading motor drive output (Eject)
6 ATT O Line out mute control output
7 A ATT O Power amplifier mute control output
8 PLL DI I PLL IC data input
9 VSSO Ground pin
10 VDDO Power supply pin (+5 V)
11 PLL CLK O PLL IC clock output
12 PLL DO O PLL IC data output
13 PLL CE O PLL IC chip enable output
14 BEEP O BEEP output of key beep, caution alarm
15 L V CE O Electric volume, LCD chip enable output
16 L V DO O Electric volume, LCD data output
17 L V CLK O Electric volume, LCD clock output
18 BUS SI I BUS interface serial input
19 BUS SO O BUS interface serial output
20 BUS CLK I BUS interface serial clock input
21 BUS CK GEN O BUS interface serial clock output
22 AM ON O Tuner AM power supply control output
23 FM ON O Tuner FM power supply control output
24 VDD1 Power supply pin (+5 V)
25 AVSS Ground pin
26 ST IND I FM stereo detection input
27 PH3 I PH3 detection input (Not used in this set.)
28 S METER I S meter signal input
29 KEY0 I A/D key input 0
30 KEY1 I A/D key input 1
31 ROTARY (AD) I Not used in this set.
32 DST SEL I Destination select input (Connect to ground in this set.)
33 TEST I Force test mode input
34 AVREF A/D converter power supply pin (+5 V)
35 LCD INH O INHIBIT control output of LCD
36 RESET I Reset input (L: reset detection)
37 XT2 O Sub clock output (32.768 kHz)
38 XT1 I Sub clock input (32.768 kHz)
39 IC Connect to ground in this set.
40 X2 O Master clock output (8.38 MHz)
41 X1 I Master clock input (8.38 MHz)
42 VSS1 Ground pin
43 KEY ACK I Key acknowledge detection input
44 SIRCS I Wireless remote control signal input
45 SELF SW I Self switch detection input
46 BU IN I Backup power supply detection input
47 NOSE I Front panel attachment detection input
48 ILL ON O Illumination power supply control output
49 A REMO O External amplifier remote control output
50 CDM ON O CD mechanism deck power supply control output
51 XCD ON O CD DSP IC 16 MHz Xtal on/off control output