To shift between upper-case and lower-case letters
Before you enter a letter, tap to switch to upper-case , or vice versa.
To turn on the caps lock
Before you type a word, tap or until appears.
To enter numbers or symbols
When you enter text, tap . A keyboard with numbers and symbols appears.
Tap to view more options.
To enter common punctuation marks
When you finish entering a word, tap the space bar.
Select a punctuation mark from the candidate bar. The selected mark is
inserted before the space.
To quickly enter a full stop, tap the space bar twice when you finish entering a word.
To delete characters
Tap to place the cursor after the character you want to delete, then tap .
To enter a carriage return
When you enter text, tap to enter a carriage return.
To select text
Enter some text, then double-tap the text. The word you tap gets highlighted
by tabs on both sides.
Drag the tabs left or right to select more text.
To edit text in landscape orientation
Enter some text, then double-tap the entered text.
Select the text you want to work with, then tap Edit and select an option.
To edit text in portrait orientation
Enter some text, then double-tap the entered text to make the application bar
Select the text you want to edit, then use the application bar to make your
desired changes.
Application bar
1 Close the application bar
2 Select all text
3 Cut text
4 Copy text
5 Paste text
only appears when you have text stored on the clipboard.
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