Playlist Preparations
Chapter 4 Routine Operations
• As the duration of the shortest event on the playlists is
five seconds, the BZNP-D1 software sets the duration of
the event for a piece of material whose duration is less
than that, and it does not allow you to reduce the
If you specify a one-second audio file, for example, the
duration of the event made from it will be five seconds.
And on the NSP-1, the audio file will be played during
the first one second, then there will be no audio in the
remaining four seconds.
Note this when you handle materials shorter than five
seconds, as other types of materials will be played in the
same manner.
Undoing the last editing operation
Holding down the Ctrl key and pressing the Z key undoes
the last editing operation.
Note that, however, operations related to the screen layout
cannot be undone.
Checking or selecting a template
Screen layout, that is a set of the sizes and positions of the
materials on the display layers (except for the fixed
positioned background layer), is defined when materials
are dropped on the playlist.
You can check which template is currently selected, or
select another template for the materials that you are
adding to the playlist, in the following procedure:
Select [Settings] > [Template Settings] on the menu
The Screen Layout window and the Template Settings
dialog box appear.
The Template drop-down list box shows the template
currently selected. The Screen Layout window shows
the layout settings of the selected template.
To select another template, select the desired one using
the Template drop-down list box, then click [OK].
To continue using the current template, simply click
[OK] or [Cancel] to close the windows.
• When you change a template whose layer settings are
different in the middle of the playlist, the layers that are
not used in the new template will disappear.
The events specified on these layers are still stored, and
will re-appear if you select a template in which those
layers are used.
However, upon saving the playlist, the BZNP-D1
software only saves the events on the layers that are used
in the template at the time of saving.
It is recommended that you make the layer settings of the
templates identical when they may be used in a single
playlist. If this is not possible, select a template in which
all the necessary layers are set to be used every time
before saving the playlist.
• There are various limitations in the position and size of
each layer of an NSP-1. After you finish creating a
playlist, make sure to check if the materials are displayed
as intended by previewing the playlist on the NSP-1.
For information on how to preview a playlist, see
“Checking Playout (Previewing on an NSP-1)” on page
Material Playout on the NSP-1
Video When playback of the video file finishes, a
frozen picture of the last frame is displayed
until the specified end of the event. The
sound accompanying the video will not be
output while the frozen picture is displayed.
Flash movie If the Flash movie was specified to repeat
when being created, playout will repeat
from the beginning. If not, a frozen picture
of the last frame will be displayed just as it
is with a video event.
Audio After playback of the audio file finishes, no
sound is output from this layer. So it is
better not to expand the duration of audio
events. To repeat an audio file, specify the
event several times in the playlist according
to the duration of the file and the time you
need the audio.