Click Re-calculate to normalize the event again.
You can set the maximum decibel level used to calculate
the event during normalization. For more information, see
Audio tab on page 333.
Maintain aspect ratio (video only)
Video and image files of various sizes and formats can be included in a single project. The project itself may
have a different frame size aspect ratio from the source media files. This is not a problem, but you must
specify how these differences are handled. If the length-to-width ratio of the source media and the project’s
frame size are the same (e.g., source media at 320x240 and project frame size of 640x480), no aspect ratio
distortion occurs. If the ratios are not the same, the source material may become distorted (stretched or
compressed). By maintaining the aspect ratio of the original, the video is kept from becoming distorted by
letterboxing or pillarboxing around the edges. This is the default setting.
Reduce interlace flicker (video only)
This switch can be useful in cases where the source material didn’t originate as video and contains extremely
high spatial or temporal frequencies. When you watch the rendered (interlaced) output on video of this sort
of media, you may see flickering or crawling edges if this switch is not applied.
Resample (video only)
Resampling allows Vegas software to interpolate frames in an event when the frame rate of a media file is
significantly different from the project’s frame rate. Resampling may solve some interlacing problems and
other jittery output problems. For more information, see Resampling video on page 232.
Three options are provided for event-level resampling:
• Smart resample: Only resamples the event when the event frame rate does not match the project output
frame rate. This can occur either because the event has a velocity envelope or because the frame rate of
the original media is different than the project frame rate.
Smart resample is the standard setting.
• Force resample: Always resamples the event, regardless of its frame rate or the project’s frame rate.
• Disable resample: Does not resample the event.