Menu Contents
Chapter 4 Menu Settings
TIME CODE [Time code]: Settings related to the time code
Description of settings
TC MODE [> TC mode]: Determine the time code to use:
internal time code using a preset initial value, regenerated
internal time code (locked to time code read from tape), or
external time code.
*INT PRESET [>> PRESET]: Use internal time code with a
preset initial value.
INT REGEN [>> REGEN]: Use internal time code locked to
time code read from tape.
EXT REGEN [>> EXT]: Use external time code selected as
• When TC is selected
External time code input to the TC IN connector
• When VITC is selected
The VITC time code present in the input video signal
When the selected input mode is SDTI or i.LINK (the V:SDTI,
SDTI, or i.LINK indicator is lit in the INPUT signal display
section), setting this item to EXT REGEN causes the internal
time code generator to automatically synchronize with the
external time code input to the unit via the SDTI or i.LINK
RUN MODE [> RUN mode]: Select the advancement (RUN)
mode of the time code generator.
*FREE RUN [>> FREE RUN]: Time code generator keeps
REC RUN [>> REC RUN]: Time code generator only runs
while recording.
Set to FREE RUN when carrying out editing with an editing
control unit. With the REC RUN setting, editing will not be
carried out correctly.
(For DSR-1500A only)
DF MODE [> DF mode]: Select whether the time code
generator and time counter operate in drop frame mode or
non-drop frame mode.
Normally select drop frame mode to keep in
synchronization with real time. The non-drop frame mode
is useful for example when using computer graphics, and
working on a frame count basis.
*ON (DF) [>> ON (DF)]: Drop frame mode
OFF (NDF) [>> OFF (NDF)]: Non-drop frame mode
TC SELECT [> TC select]: Determine which to display in the
time counter display, TC or VITC.
VITC [>> VITC]: Display VITC.
*TC [>> TC]: Display TC.
VITC [> VITC]: Determine whether to record the internally
generated time code as VITC.
OFF [>> OFF]: Do not record the internally generated time
code as VITC. (VITC present in the input video signal is
recorded unchanged.)
*ON [>> ON]: Record the internally generated time code as
TCG REGEN [> TCG regen]: Select the signal to be
regenerated when the time code generator is in the
regeneration mode (i.e., when the TC MODE menu item is
*TC & UB [>> TC & UB]: Both the time code and user bits are
TC [>> TC]: Only the time code is regenerated.
UB [>> UB]: Only the user bits are regenerated.
UB BINARY GP. [> Binary Gp.]: Select the user bit binary
group flag of the time code generator.
When the TC MODE menu item is set to EXT REGEN, the
user-bit binary group flag setting follows the setting on the time
code input to this unit.
*000: NOT SPECIFIED [>> 000]: Character set not specified
001: ISO CHARACTER [>> 001]: 8-bit characters conforming
to ISO 646 and ISO 2022
010: UNASSIGNED-1 [>> 010]: Undefined
011: UNASSIGNED-2 [>> 011]: Undefined
100: UNASSIGNED-3 [>> 100]: Undefined
101: PAGE/LINE [>> 101]: Multiplex
110: UNASSIGNED-4 [>> 110]: Undefined
111: UNASSIGNED-5 [>> 111]: Undefined