SonicWALL TZ 170 Wireless Getting Started Guide Page 5
Collecting Internet Service Provider (ISP) Information
Collect the following information about your Internet service:
If you connect via You probably use Please record
Cable modem,
DSL with a router
DHCP No Internet connection information usually required.*
*Some service providers require a host name. Check
with your ISP.
Host Name:
Home DSL PPPoE User Name:
Note: Your ISP may require your user name in the
format: name@ISP.com
Static broadband,
Cable or DSL with
a static IP
Static IP IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway
(Router IP Address):
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS (optional):
Dial in to a server PPTP Server Address:
User Name:
Note: If you are not using one of the network configurations above, refer to the
SonicOS Standard Administrator’s Guide.
Other Information
These are the default settings for accessing your SonicWALL TZ 170 Wireless Web-
based management interface:
User Name: admin
Password: (Default: password)
What You Need to Begin
• A computer to use as a management station for initial configuration of the
TZ 170 Wireless
• An Internet connection
• A Web browser supporting Java and HTTP uploads. Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher,
Netscape Navigator 4.7 or higher, Mozilla 1.7 or higher, or Mozilla Firefox are