11.. SSuurrrroo uu nndd ss oo uu nndd pprroo cc eessss oo rr ,,
ssuurrrr oouunndd ssoo uunndd rree cc eeiivv eerr oorr
sstt eerreeoo pp rree aa mmpp wwiitt hh aa
ddeeddiiccaatteedd SSuubbwwooooffeerr O
FFiigguurree 66
Connect the processor’s dedicat-
ed Subwoofer Output to one of
the subwoofer’s L
(you can use either jack). If you
are installing two subwoofers in
the system use a ‘Y’ connector to
connect both subwoofers to the
processor’s Subwoofer Output.
22.. SStt eerree oo pprree aammpp // ppoo ww eerr aa mmpp
ccoommbbiinnaattiioonn,, oorr aann iinntteeggrraatteedd
aammpplliiffiieerr wwiitthh PPrree OOuutt aanndd
MMaaiinn ((AA mmpp)) IInn
jjaa cc kk ss
FFiigguurree 77
Connect the preamp/integrated
amp’s left & right Main Outputs
to the both of the subwoofer’s L
INPUT jacks. Use another set
of cables to connect the
subwoofer’s L
INE OUTPUT jacks to
the power amp/integrated amp’s
left & right Main (Amp) Inputs.
If you are installing two
subwoofers, connect the
preamp/ integrated amplifier’s
left Main Output to the left L
INPUT jack of one subwoofer, and
connect that subwoofer’s right
INE OUTPUT jack to the power amp/integrated amplifier’s left Main (Amp) Input. Connect the preamp/integrated ampli-
fier’s right Main Output to the right L
INE INPUT jack of the other subwoofer and connect that subwoofer’s right LINE OUTPUT
jack to the power amp/integrated amplifier’s right Main (Amp) Input.