
875D SE Serial Commands
Serial Protocol: Baud Rate = 9600, N, 8, 1; single CR
CCoommmmaannddss IInn SSyynnttaaxx PPaarraammeetteerrss SSttaattee
Power :Pxy<cr> x = Zone 1-4 or G (Global), y = State 0= Off; 1= On
Zone Volume Set :Vxyyy<cr> x = Zone 1-4 or G (Global), yyy = Volume 0 - 100 0 (Off) – 100 (Max)
Channel Volume Set :VCxyyy<cr> x = Channel 1 - 8 or G (Global), yyy = Volume 0 - 100 0 (Off) – 100 (Max)
NOTE: Issuing a Volume Set command when the amplifier is OFF will pre-set the zone or channel’s start-up
volume to that level.
Zone Volume Incremental Step :Vxyy<cr> x = Zone 1-4 or G (Global), yy = Volume Step Down/Up -n = Down, +n = Up; n = 1 to 5
Channel Volume Incremental Step: :VCxyy<cr> x = Channel 1-8 or G (Global), yy = Volume Step Down/Up -n = Down, +n + up; n = 1 to 5
NOTE: The 875D SE stores independent settings for Channel and Zone Volume. If Channel Volume
commands are sent to a zone that is being controlled with Zone Volume commands (and visa-versa),
the volume may initially change to a different level than expected.
Zone Mute :Mxy<cr> x = Zone 1-4 or G (Global), y = State 0 = Mute Off; 1= Mute On
Channel Mute :MCxy<cr> x = Channel 1 - 8 or G (Global), y = State 0 = Mute Off; 1 = Mute On
BBE Signal Processing :BPxy<cr> x = Zone 1-4 or G (Global), y = State 0= Off; 1= On
BBE HI & LO Frequency Boost :BBxy<cr> x = Zone 1-4 or G (Global), y = State 0= +6dB; 1=+9dB
NOTE: The echo for this will provide two values (HI and LO)
BBE HI Frequency Boost :BHxy<cr> x = Zone 1-4 or G (Global), y = State 0= +6dB; 1=+9dB
BBE LO Frequency Boost :BLxy<cr> x = Zone 1-4 or G (Global), y = State 0= +6dB; 1=+9dB
Adding a question-mark character before the carriage return of any of the above commands will turn the command into a
query. Additionally, the following unique queries can also be issued:
QQuueerriieess SSyynnttaaxx PPaarraammeetteerrss SSttaattee
Temperature :TP?<cr> 0 – 100 Degrees C
Audio Trigger Input :ATIx?<cr> x = Zone 1-4 or G (Global) [see
] 0= Off; 1= On
Fault/Protection :FPx?<cr> x = Zone 1-4 or G (Global) [see
] 0= Normal; 1= Fault
Voltage Trigger Input :VTIx?<cr> x = Zone 1-4, A (All) or G (Global) [see
] 0= Off; 1= On
Front-Panel Input Control Level :TVLx?<cr> x = Channel 1-8 or G (Global) [see
] 0 – 100
Firmware Version :VER?<cr> Version 1.03 or later
(continued on page 16)