Measured values may differ from the actual ones due to
fl uctuations in the type or quantity of laundry, spinning, power
oscillation as well as ambience temperature and humidity.
For illustration the chart gives values for 6/7 kg of testing laundry
(measured by the EN61121 standard) on different RPM of fi nal
spin in washing machine (program dry for storage).
Table of consumption
Table of textile symbols
Drying in dryer not permitted
Drain, hang on washing line and dry
Do not drain, hang wet and dry
Drain, lay on a fl at surface and dry
Machine drying not permitted
Drying at normal temperature
Drying at lower temperature
Drying time
in minutes
Power consumption
in kWh
L % evacuation condensation evacuation condensation
6 kg 7 kg 6 kg 7 kg 6 kg 7 kg 6 kg 7 kg 6 kg 7 kg
800 4,2 4,9 70 110 130 120/110* 140/120* 4,0 4,6 4,4/4,1* 5,1/5,0*
1000 3,4 4,0 58 92 104 100/100* 117/110* 3,3 3,8 3,7/3,3* 4,2/3,9*
1200 3,3 3,8 55 85 98 95/90* 110/100* 3,1 3,6 3,4/3,1* 3,9/3,7*
1400 3,0 3,5 50 75 89 85/80* 100/90* 2,8 3,2 3,1/2,9* 3,6/3,4*
1600 2,6 3,1 44 68 77 74/70* 88/80* 2,5 2,9 2,7/2,6* 3,2/3,0*
* Energy effi ciency class B