(Cont. : Installing the motion sensor (PS-433)
Set the switch on the side to "TEST" and allow 60 seconds for the unit to warm
up. ( when using test mode, a signal will not be sent to the Control Panel ).
Now walk in the area you want the motion sensor to detect movement in.
If movement is detected, the red light on the front of the unit will appear. If
the red light does not appear, movement has not been detected and you
should reposition your motion sensor.
Your Motion Sensor is equipped with Pulse
Count feature. This new feature significantly
reduces false alarms. Now when Pulse
Count is enabled 2 consecutive movements
are required in order to trigger the motion
sensor. However, the response time of the
motion sensor will become slower. Therefore
you have the option to either enable or dis-
able this feature to suit your specific needs.
The factory default for this feature is set to
“ON”. Your can disable this feature by relocat-
ing the Pulse Count jumper, which is the red
jumper located inside the battery compart-
ment. When the red jumper is on the left 2
posts (Diagram 1), Pulse Count feature is
enabled. If you would like to disable Pulse
Count, please remove the red jumper and
insert it on the right 2 posts (Diagram 2).
Note: When installing the Motion Sensor,
avoid placing it near heat or cold producing
devices (i.e. A/C or furnace vents, fans, ovens,
space heaters etc.). Air movement, especially
caused by changes in temperature may
trigger the Motion Sensor and cause false
alarms. Please carefully test your Motion
Sensor to make it will only be triggered by
Installation is now completed and now test your system to ensure all the
sensors are communicating with the Control Panel. (See the next section,
Insert jumper to
the right 2 posts
Before you learn how to use your security system, test to make sure that
the door/window sensors and the motion sensor are communicating with the
Control Panel.
Set the Control Panel to CHIME MODE which will emit a subtly two tone
chime when any of the sensors are activated.
To set control panel to CHIME MODE
1. Enter your MPIN [0, 0, 0] on the Control Panel (MPIN is factory set at [0, 0, 0].
(MPIN) on page 17.
2. Press [ A ].
3. Press [ # ].
The red arm light and all 4 green lights above the numbers and beside the
word chime will go on. The system will now emit a chime sound when any
sensor is activated. The lights and sounds of the Control Panel are explained
in the next section, (see Lights and Sounds).
The door/window sensors are factory set to communicate with zone 1 and
the motion sensor to communicate with zone 2. If you would like to have the
sensors communicate with a different zone, see PROGRAM SENSORS TO
To test the Door/Window Sensor
Open the door/window and break the contact between the magnetic switch
and the magnet. A signal will then be sent to the Control Panel which will
chime telling you that the signal has been received. One of the four green
lights on the Control Panel will flash once as the chime sounds. If you open
the front door, the green light above the #1 (zone 1) will flash.
To test the Motion Sensor
Slide the button on the side of the motion sensor to ON and allow 60 seconds
for the unit to warm up, then walk in the monitored area in front of the motion
sensor. Once movement is detected, a signal will be sent to the Control Panel.
The Control Panel will then emit a two tone chime and the green light above
the #2 (zone 2) will flash once. The motion sensor has been programmed to
send its signal to zone 2 in the Control Panel. It will take about 30 seconds
for the motion sensor to reset itself before it can send another signal.
If you have pets, have them walk in the monitored area to see if they activate
the motion sensor. If so, turn the motion sensor off if these pets have access
to the monitored area. Smaller pets will not be picked up by the motion
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