The engine must return to idle speed
whenever the throttle lever is released.
Idle speed is adjustable, and must be set
low enough to permit the engine clutch to
disengage the cutting attachment.
Adjusting Engine Idle
Idle Adjusting
The cutting attachment must NEVER
rotate at engine idle! If the idle speed
cannot be adjusted by the procedure
described here, return the trimmer to
your Shindaiwa dealer for inspection.
Figure 20
Idle Speed Adjustment
1. Place the trimmer on the ground, then
start the engine, and then allow it to idle
2-3 minutes until warm.
2. If the attachment rotates when the
engine is at idle, reduce the idle speed
by turning the idle adjustment screw
counter-clockwise. See Figure 20.
3. If a tachometer is available, the engine idle
speed should be final adjusted to 2,750
(±250) RPM (min
4. Carburetor fuel mixture adjustments are
preset at factory and cannot be serviced
in the field.
Checking Unit Condition
NEVER operate the unit with the cutting
attachment shield or other protective de-
vices (ignition switch, etc.) removed!
A cutting attachment shield or other
protective device is no guarantee of
protection against ricochet. YOU MUST
Use only authorized Shindaiwa parts and
accessories with your Shindaiwa trimmer.
Do not make modifications to your unit
without the written approval of Shindaiwa
ALWAYS make sure the cutting attach-
ment is properly installed and firmly tight-
ened before operation.
NEVER use a cracked or warped cutting at-
tachment: replace it with a serviceable one.
ALWAYS make sure the cutting attach-
ment fits properly into the appropriate
attachment holder. If a properly installed at-
tachment vibrates, replace the attachment
with a new one and re-check.
ALWAYS stop the engine immediately and
check for damage if you strike a foreign
object or if the unit becomes tangled. Do
not operate with broken or damaged equip-
ment, or attachments.
NEVER allow the engine to run at high
rpm without a load. Doing so could damage
the engine.
NEVER operate a unit with worn or dam-
aged fasteners or attachment holders.
Using a Hand-Held Edger
Low-speed edging can lead to prema-
ture clutch failure.
Before edging, make sure the area is
soft enough so the blade does not bog
down. If necessary, water the area be-
fore edging.
Remove debris and other obstacles that
could be thrown by the rotating blade.
Plan your work so the edger blade is
always on your right-hand side.
Begin each pass by positioning the unit
over the work, and with the engine run-
ning at about half-throttle. Slowly lower
the blade to the ground while applying full
throttle. See Figure 21.
Guidelines for Operating the Edger.
Wear eye protection, long pants,
and boots when operating this unit!
Whenever you strike a hard
object with the blade, always stop
the edger and carefully inspect
the blade for damage. NEVER
Figure 21
Do not move the edger into the work so
fast that the engine or blade bogs down.
Regular and frequent use of the edger
will make a neater lawn, and a frequently
trimmed edge will be easier to maintain.