225g shortcrust pastry
1 x 325g jar lemon curd
4 egg whites (medium)
225g caster sugar
1 Preheat the oven to CONVECTION 200ºC.
2 Line a greased 25cm (10") flan dish with the pastry.
Place on the lower shelf, bake on CONVECTION
200ºC for 15 minutes until golden. Rotate dish after
half the cooking time. Allow to cool.
3 Spoon the lemon curd into the pastry case and spread
4 Preheat the oven to CONVECTION 180ºC.
5 To prepare meringue, whisk egg whites until stiff.
Fold in sugar, a little at a time, using a metal spoon.
6 Spread the meringue evenly over the top of the lemon
filling forming small peaks all over.
7 Place on the lower shelf, bake on CONVECTION
180ºC for 20 minutes.
Rotate dish 180º after half the cooking time.
Microwave Tip: Softening ice-cream
Place a 1 litre (1
/4 pint) tub of frozen ice-cream on the turntable (lid removed).
Heat on 50% for 1
/2 - 2 minutes.
Microwave Tip: Making 300ml ( pint) custard
Combine 15ml (1 tbsp) custard powder, 15ml (1 tbsp) sugar and 300ml (
/2 pint) milk.
Cook on 100% for 3 - 4 minutes, stir every minute until thick.
125g dried fig, roughly chopped
125g dried apricot, roughly chopped
100g raisin
100g currant
60ml (4 tbsp) brandy
75g self raising flour
2.5ml (
tsp) allspice
2.5ml (
/2 tsp) grated nutmeg
2.5ml (
/2 tsp) ground cinnamon
50g fresh breadcrumbs
75g shredded suet
100g soft brown sugar
50g blanched almond, roughly chopped
grated rind of 1 medium orange
grated rind of 1 medium lemon
1 eating apple, grated
30ml (2 tbsp) black treacle
1 egg (medium), beaten
1 Place fig, apricot, raisin, currant, and brandy in a large
bowl, mix well. Leave for 2 hours.
2 Place the flour, spices, breadcrumbs, suet, sugar,
almond, orange and lemon rind and apple in a bowl,
mix well. Stir into the dried fruit mixture along with
the treacle and beaten egg.
3 Grease 1.2 litre (2 pint) pudding basin and line the
base with a circle of grease proof paper. Spoon in the
pudding mixture, smooth the surface and cover with
cling film and pierce.
4 Cook on 50% for 18 minutes until firm to the touch.
Microwave Tip: Reheating Christmas pudding
Place a 500g pudding in a shallow flan dish.
Cover and heat on 70% for 3 - 4 minutes.
p79_cre 8/16/06 5:50:33 PMp79_cre 8/16/06 5:50:33 PM