
XMA technical helpline: 0844 335 2234
1. Unattended Equipment
The occurrence of a theft whilst the equipment is left unattended:
a) in a vehicle, unless the equipment was:
i) in the locked boot of a saloon car; or
ii) concealed under the rear parcel shelf of a locked hatchback car; or
iii) concealed in the spare wheel or other closed compartment of a locked estate car;
and the vehicle was forcibly entered and proof of such forcible entry is provided on
making a claim; or
b) in the open air, in a public place or in any outbuilding.
2. Intentional acts
Theft occurring as a result of intentional act or wilful neglect by you; or
3. Use by others
Theft occurring whilst the equipment is in the custody of a third party. In this exclusion,
third party means anyone other than you or a member of your immediate family normally
resident at the address the package was delivered to.
4. Loss of Data
Any loss of or damage to information or data contained in or stored on the equipment
(whether arising as a result of the theft or otherwise).
5. Consequential loss
Any consequential loss or damage arising from the theft. Consequential loss shall
include, but not be limited to, any nancial loss or the cost of business interruption
arising from the loss of use of the equipment, or the loss of information contained in or
stored on the equipment, any time and cost involved in reinstating such information and
any liability to any third party for delay or non performance of any contract with the third
party. Consequential loss shall also include loss of use of any item of equipment
(not itself subject to an insured event) due to its incompatibility with any item of
equipment repaired or replaced pursuant to this service.
6. Guarantees
Any amount that is recoverable upon the occurrence of theft at no expense to you under
any guarantee, warranty, maintenance, rental hire or lease agreement.
7. Replacement Value
All replacement packages will never exceed the value of the original grant with which you
purchased your package.
Section 8: Glossary of terms
We recommend these terms are read before setting up your laptop.
Mobile Broadband USB stick 150 or Mobile Broadband stick or Stick – refers to item
number on Fig. 1. Used to enable connection to the internet.
Anti-virus/Threats/Firewall/Viruses – refers to software installed on your laptop that
checks for viruses on your computer and secures your work from other computer users.
Filtering/e-safety – refers to software installed on your laptop that enables the
Administrator to restrict what users see on the internet and when the internet can
be used.
Laptop/PC/Computer – refers to your laptop.
Recovery partition – a copy of your laptops operating system to restore all original
settings. Please use this with caution – recovering your machine will result in loss
of data.
CD – a compact disc; used to store information from your computer.
Word processing – software that enables you to create letters etc.
Spreadsheet – software that enables you to create tables, graphs etc.
Malware - short for malicious software is software designed to inltrate or damage a
computer system without the owner’s informed consent.
Adware – short for advertising-supported software is any software package which
automatically plays, displays, or downloads advertisements to a computer without the
owners informed consent.
BIOS – this refers to a BIOS password; a system bios password can be set to restrict
complete access to your computer. Please note that the removal of a forgotten password
will result in your laptop being returned to our workshop for servicing and a service
charge being applied.
Username – you create this to gain access. You need to remember this.
Password – this is your secret word or code to gain access. You need to remember this.