This section describes the peripheral devices that can be used with the machine and explains how to use the finisher and
saddle stitch finisher, as well as Sharp OSA (application communication module and external account module).
Peripheral devices can be installed on the machine to increase its range of functionality.
The peripheral devices are generally optional, however, some models include certain peripheral devices as standard
(As of June, 2008)
Product name Product number Description
Stand/1x500 sheet paper drawer MX-DEX6
Additional tray. A maximum 500 sheets of paper can be loaded
in each tray.
Stand/2x500 sheet paper drawer MX-DEX7
Large capacity tray MX-LCX1
Additional tray. A maximum of 3500 sheets of paper can be
loaded in the tray.
To install the tray, a stand/1 x 500 sheet paper drawer or stand/2
x 500 sheet paper drawer is required.
Exit tray unit
(Right tray)
MX-TRX1 This can be added to the right side of the machine.
Finisher MX-FNX9
Output device that enables the use of the staple function and
offset function.
Punch module MX-PNX1B Punches holes in copies and other output. Requires a finisher.
Saddle stitch finisher MX-FN10
Output device that enables use of the staple function, offset
function and pamphlet copy function.
To install the saddle stitch finisher, a stand/1 x 500 sheet paper
drawer or stand/2 x 500 sheet paper drawer is required.
Paper pass unit MX-RBX3 Required when a saddle stitch finisher is installed.
Punch module MX-PNX5B
Punches holes in copies and other output. Requires a saddle
stitch finisher.
Barcode font kit AR-PF1 Adds barcode fonts to the machine.
PS3 expansion kit MX-PKX1
Enables the machine to be used as a Postscript compatible
XPS expansion kit MX-PUX1
The machine can be used as an XPS compatible printer. For
details, consult your dealer.
To install this kit, a 1 GB expansion memory board (MX-SMX3)
is required.
Expansion memory board MX-SMX3 This expands the memory that can be used on the machine.
Internet fax expansion kit MX-FWX1 Enables Internet Fax.
Facsimile expansion kit MX-FXX2 Adds a fax function.