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Usually satellite systems are adapted to satellites from the "Astra 1" family.
Astra 1 is a tv satellite on the orbital position 19.2° East
Astra 2 is a tv satellite on the orbital position 28.2° East
Astra 3 is a tv satellite on the orbital position 23.5° East
LNB - low-noise block converter
Low-noise signal converter (LNB) is the first electronic module of a satellite
reception system located in focus of a parabolic antenna It converts the
satellite frequency of for example 10.7–11.75 or 11.8–12.75 GHz to the 950–
2150 MHz range and thus enables transfer through a coaxial cable and
reception with a satellite receiver.
LNB – Intermediate frequency
Intermediate frequency is necessary to transmit the received signal without
any problems and losses to the satellite receiver with a normal coaxial cable.
The conversion is achieved through mixing the received signal with a local
oscillator frequency multiplicatively (typically: 9.75 GHz for lower band and
10.6 GHz for upper band reception).
For some LNB's setting a differing intermediate frequency may be necessary.
Some foreign satellites require this.
Symbol rate
The symbol rate simply shows how many symbols per second are being
emitted - how "high" the symbol is depends on the transmission system.
The symbol rates can vary greatly depending on the satellite and the tv
More than 10 various symbol rates are possible on one and the same satellite.
A Transponder on a satellite receives data and transmits it again. For example
a ground-based radio station can transmit data signals for tv to a
geostationary satellite , which will send back the signal back to Earth. Any