Function Setup
Customizing The Function Settings
Setting Option Description
Digital Audio Out settings
Digital Out On Digital audio is output from the digital outputs.
Off No digital audio output.
Dolby Digital Out Dolby Digital Dolby Digital encoded digital audio is output when playing a Dolby Digital
DVD disc.
Dolby Digital > PCM Dolby Digital audio is converted to PCM audio before being output.
DTS Out DTS DTS encoded digital audio is output when playing a DTS disc. (Noise will be
output if your amplifier/receiver is not compatible with DTS audio.)
Off No digital audio is output.
96kHz PCM Out 96kHz > 48kHz 96 kHz digital audio is converted to 48 kHz for digital output.
96kHz 96 kHz digital audio is output as is at 96 kHz.
MPEG Out MPEG MPEG encoded digital audio is output as is.
MPEG > PCM MPEG encoded digital audio is converted to PCM audio for digital output.
Video Output settings
TV Screen 4:3 (Letter Box) Set if you have a conventional 4:3 TV. Widescreen movies are shown with
black bars top and bottom.
4:3 (Pan & Scan) Set if you have a conventional 4:3 TV. Widescreen movies are shown with
the sides cropped so that the image fills the screen.
16:9 (Wide) Set if you have a widescreen TV.
Language settings
Audio Language English/French/Spanish If there is an English, French or Spanish soundtrack on the disc, then it will
be played.
Other Language Select to choose a language other than the ones displayed. (See Language
Code List on page 37.)
Subtitle Language English/French/Spanish If there is an English, French or Spanish subtitle on the disc, then it will be
Other Language Select to choose a language other than the ones displayed. (see Language
Code List on page 37.)
DVD Menu Lang. w/Subtitle Lang. DVD disc menus will be displayed in the same language as your selected
subtitle language, if possible.
English/French/Spanish If there is an English, French or Spanish DVD menu language on the disc,
then it will be displayed.
Other Language Select to choose a language other than the ones displayed. (see Language
Code List on page 37.)
Subtitle Display On Subtitles are displayed according to your selected subtitle language (see
Off Subtitles are always off by default when you play a DVD disc (note that some
discs override this setting).
Display settings
Angle Indicator On A camera icon is displayed on-screen during multi-angle scenes on a DVD
Off No multi-angle indication is shown.
Options settings
Parental Lock See page 36.
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