8 Single-Speed/Ramp-Hold
Skip Segment works only in Ramp-Hold programs. Add
Hold Time, Temperature Edit, and Alarm work in both
Single-Speed and Ramp-Hold firings.
Skip Segment
Skip Segment jumpsthe firing from the current segment
to the next one.
During a Ramp-Hold firing, press the .
will appear.
Press . The current segment ramp or hold
number will appear.
Press again. (If you change your mind and
don’t wanttoskip thatsegment, don’tpress
after appears.The firingwill continuein the
same segment and the temperature will appear af
ter one minute.)
SkipSegment skipstothe rampofthe nextsegmentfrom
either a ramp or hold of the current segment. (Skip Seg-
ment does nothing during the final segment. To end the fi-
nal segment, press .)
Skip Segment Example
You have pro-
grammed a target temperature of 1425°F for glass fusing,
followed by asegment for controlled cooling. Watchingthe
glass through the peephole, you notice that the glass edges
have rounded nicely at 1315°. Use Skip Segment to end the
firing segment and to begin the one for slow cooling.
Note: Make a note of the temperature at which the
glass fused. Program that temperature for the next fir
ing of that type of glass.
Add Hold Time
Add Hold Time adds 5 minutes to a hold. It is designed
for ceramists who watch witness cones and for glass artists
who watch the glass near the end of firing.
During a firing, press the repeatedly un
til appears.
Press . The hold time for the current seg
ment will appear.
Press the .Each timeyou pressthe
, the hold time will increase by 5 minutes.
Press . Thenormal temperaturewillappear.
Note: AddHoldTime willadd 5minutes toa holdeven
if no hold had been programmed.
Ramp-Hold Programming
Note: You have up to 8 segments available in
Ramp-Hold. If you don’t need all 8, zero out the
unused segments. (See step 6 below.)
From , press .
Press the key (not the ).
and are
Ramp-Hold programs. When the one you
want appears, press . (Ignore -
will appear. Enter firing rate (tempera
ture change per hour) for segment 1. (1° =
slowest rate. 1799°F/999°C = full power.)
Then press .
or andthe targettemperaturefrom
the last firing will appear. Use the arrow keys
tochange thetemperature.Then press .
and the hold time from the last firing
will appear (e.g. 1 hour 10 minutes = 01.10).
Use the arrow keys to change the hold time.
Then press . (No hold = 00.00)
Continue entering values for the segments
needed. When appears for the next seg-
ment that you don’t need, select . Then
press . This will zero out the remaining
segments. (Example: You need only 1 seg-
ment. When appears, enter .)
will appear. Press to begin firing.
will appear and the Run indicator light
will begin blinking. The kiln is now firing.
To stop a firing before completion, press
. will appear, alternating with total
firing time and kiln temperature.
Note: Do not be concerned if your kiln makes a
clicking sound during firing. Kilns use relays to
power the elements. The relays click each time
their electrical contacts come together.
Note: Thekiln’s actualfiring ratemay beless than
the rate you programmed, depending on the kiln
model, available voltage, and density of the load
you are firing.
When the kiln fires to completion, it will beep for 30
seconds. The display will show the following:
Firing time
Present temperature
= Fired to completion
To return to , press .