Adding an outlet to a group
The Add OutletToGroup command adds an outlet to a group. To add more than one outlet, but not all
outlets, you must use multiple Add OutletToGroup commands.
To add an outlet to a group:
At the Sentry: prompt, type add outlettogroup, optionally followed by an outlet name and group name.
Press Enter, or
Type add OutletToGroup, followed by all and the group name. Press Enter.
The following commands uses absolute outlet names to add outlets A1 and A2 to group name
Sentry:add OutletToGroup .a1 ServerGroup_1<Enter>
Sentry:add OutletToGroup .a2 ServerGroup_1<Enter>
The following commands usese the outlets’ descriptive names to add outlets DataServer_1 and
WebServer_1 to group name ServerGroup_1:
Sentry:add OutletToGroup DataServer_1 ServerGroup_1<Enter>
Sentry:add OutletToGroup WebServer_1 ServerGroup_1<Enter>
The following command add all outlets to group name ServerGroup_1:
Sentry: add OutletToGroup<Enter>
Outletname: all<Enter>
Groupname: ServerGroup_1<Enter>
Deleting an outlet from a group
The Delete OutletFromGroup command deletes an outlet from a group. To delete more than one outlet,
but not all outlets, you must use multiple Delete OutletToGroup commands.
To delete an outlet from a group:
At the Sentry: prompt, type delete outletfromgroup, optionally followed by an outlet name and a
group name. Press Enter, or
Type delete outletfromgroup, followed by all then the group name. Press Enter.
Outlet Administration
Creating a descriptive outlet name
The Set Outlet Name command assigns a descriptive name to an outlet. You may use this name in
commands that require an outlet name as an alternative to using the outlet’s absolute name.
To create an outlet name:
At the Sentry: prompt, type set outlet name, followed by the absolute outlet name and a descriptive
name of up to 24 alphanumeric and other typeable characters (ASCII 33 to 126 decimal - spaces are not
allowed). Outlet names are not case sensitive. Press Enter.
The following command adds the descriptive name DataServer_1 to outlet .a1:
Sentry: set outlet name .a1 DataServer_1<Enter>
Setting the outlet wakeup state
The Set Outlet Wakeup command set the default wakeup state for that outlet. In the event of a system-
wide power loss, this state will be applied to the outlet when power is restored.
The wakeup state may be set to On or Off. Upon restoration of system power; If set to On, the Sentry will
apply power to that outlet. If set to Off, the Sentry will not apply power to that outlet.
To set the wakeup state:
At the Sentry: prompt, type set outlet wakeup, followed by on or off and the outlet name. Press Enter.
The following command sets the wakeup state for outlet .a1 to off:
Sentry: set outlet wakeup off .a1<Enter>
30 • Operations Sentry Commander - PT40
Installation and Operations Manual