
Now that you’ve got a basic understanding of the different games
and how they’re played, it time to pick one and start playing. The
initial steps are all the same.
Choosing a Game
When you start the game,
you’ll see the logo and title
screens (aren’t they cool?).
Make sure everyone is
comfortable and then hit
any button to play.
When the game selection
screen comes up, you
simply choose the name of
the game you want to play
and press OK on the handset.
Number of Players
No matter which game you’ve picked, the next screen will
ask you to select the number of players. This will always be
between 3 and 8, but different games might not allow you to
pick certain numbers. If
you’re playing Know Your
Mate, for example, you
have to play in couples so
you can only pick 4, 6, or
8 players. Don’t worry; the
game won’t let you make an
illegal pick.
Number Cards
The Perfect Mate includes 8 number
cards so each person will be able
to remember which number he or
she is. Hand these out while you’re
entering the number of players
into the game. In some games,
you’ll want to make sure the badges
are given to specifi c players. For example, in Know Your Mate
players 1 and 2 are assumed to be a couple, as are players 3 and
4, 5 and 6, or 7 and 8.
Question Screens
Each of the games is played by answering a series of questions.
There are a few important things you should know about these
First, The Perfect Mate doesn’t worry about getting the answers
right. In fact, there
are no right or wrong answers. All of these
questions are matters of opinion so you can’t get them wrong!
In addition, many of them refl ect your mood at the time. Just
because you say you’d like Italian food one time doesn’t mean
you might not choose Japanese food as your favorite the next
time you play.
Second, some of these
questions might not
seem to apply to you for
various reasons. Maybe
it’s a question that’s
clearly intended for a
member of the opposite
sex. Well, that’s just the
way life is. Get in touch
with your feminine or
masculine side and
answer the question!
Perfect Mate Manual Draft.indd 10-11 2005-06-21 2:43:54 PM