Your machine has two ranges of speed--a low range for slower, intricate
work and a high one for faster, general work. On the low setting the machine
will sew no faster than approximately two4hird the speed of the high one,
even when the foot control is fully depressed.
NOTE: It is advisable not to change the speed range switch while
machine is running.
Set the Pressure Dial
The pressure control dial is located inside the face cover plate,
Set the dial aligning the setting mark on the dial with the groove as follows.
3 ..... most sewing
2 ..... applique and Cut-Out work
1 ..... basting, sewing chiffon, lace, organdy and other lightweight fabrics.
Also for vetours and knits (with more stretch),
NOTE: The pressure dial should be reset at 3 after changing pressure, so
the machine is ready for most normal sewing the next time you use