.......................... nTGl_q_/i I iilr ..... _ .......
_ . _ _ ,
Accessory storage box .............. 3, 9
Additional spool pin ............... 16
Appliqueing ................... 26, 38
Bar tacking ................... 26, 38
Base ........................... 3
Base plate ....... ............... 67
Basic zigzag ................... 2tJ, 31J
Blind hemming ................. 26, 42
Bobbin ............ 5, t6_18, 64, 66_67
Bobbin holder .............. 18, 64_65
Bobbin thread ................. 20_21
Bobbin winding " 16_17
Bobbin winding spindle ......... 3, 16_17
Box stitching .................. 28, 45
Buttonhole 30, 54_56
Buttonhole attachment . . . 54, 57_60, 66_67
Buttonhole foot .......... 57_60, 66_67
Buttonhole guide plate ........ 57_60, 67
Buttonhole making .............. 54_60
Buttonhole template .......... 57_60, 67
Button sewing ................. 26, 40
Cabinet ......................... 3
Changing needle .................. 15
Changing presser foot ............ 11_12
Cleaning hook race and feed dogs ...... 65
Cornering guide ................ 31,39
Darning ..................... 26, 32
Decorative geometric patterns ....... 29, 48
Drop feed lever _ 32
Elastic stretch ................. 28, 51
Embroidery ................... 26, 39
Extension table .................. 3, 9
Fabric, needle, thread and stitch
length chart ..................... 15
Face cover plate ............ 3, 7, 64_65
Fagoting ..................... 28, 46
Feed dogs .................... 32, 65
Foot control .................... 4, 6
Free arm sewing ................ 9_10
Hand wheel .................... 4, 20
Herring bone stretch ............. 29, 52
Hook race ...................... 65
Horizontal spool pin ............... 16
Lace work ...................... 43
Large screw driver ............. 5, 66"-67
Light and power switch ............. 4, 6
Light bulb ................. 64, 66_67
Lint brush .................. 5, 64_67
Monogramming ................ 26, 36
Needle ................ 14_15, 66_67
Needle clamp ................... 4, 15
Needle plate ................... 3, 18
Needle, thread and fabric chart ........ 15
Needle threading ............... 19_20
Oiling ......................... 65
Overcasting stitch ................. 41
Overcast stretch ................ 27, 50
Overedging stitch ............... 29, 47
Parts list ..................... 66_67
Performance problems ............ 62_63
Plug connector ................... 4, 6
Portable case ..................... 3
Power switch .................... 4, 6
Practical stitch chart ............. 26_30
Pressure control dial ................ 7
Presser foot ................. 4, 11_13
Presser foot lever ................. 4, 8
Push-pull clutch ................. 4, 17
Reversestitch control .......... 3, 25, 31
Rick-rack stretch stitching ......... 26, 49
Satin stitch foot .....................
......... 5, 13, 27, 30, 37_39, 45, 66_67
Satin stitching ................. 29, 37
Seam guides ..................... 31
Serging ...................... 27, 51
Serging or pine leaf stretch ......... 27, 51
Sewing light ...................... 6
Shell stitching ................. 27, 45
blloing buttonnole TOOt ...............
............... 5, 13, 30, 55_56, 66_67
Sma!l screw driver ............. 5, 66_7
Smocking .................... 27, 50
Snap-on button ................. 4, 11
Spool pin felt ................ 5, 66_67
Spool pin ....................... 3
Stitch length control .............. 3, 24
Stitch selector 4, 23
Stitch width control .............. 3, 24
Straight stitching ............ 26, 31_35
Straight stitch foot ....................
............ 5, 12, 26, 31,33, 49, 66_67
Straight stretch stitching .......... 26, 49
Stretch patching ................ 28, 52
Stretch stitch adjuster ............. 4, 24
Take-up lever .................... 3, 19
Thread cutter ................... 3, 19