m Adjust the Top Thread Tension
Top side of fabric
Top ___
SelUng mark
For Straight Stitch
The ideal straght stttch witl have threads locked between the two layers of
fabric, as shown above, magnified to show detail.
If you look at the stitch, front and backt you will notice that there are no
gaps, that each stitch is smooth and even.
When adjusting top thread tension, the higher the number, the tighter the top
Choose the Correct Tension:
The best tension will depend on;
the stiffness and thickness of the fabric
the number of fabric layers
--- the type of stitch
The top thread
_s too loose.
The top thread
appears on the
undemde of the
Tension _s too loose:
The top thread shows through the
bottom of the fabric. The bottom s_de
of the stitch will feel bumpy.
The top thread
_s1oo tigh_
Top side
o_ Ta
The bobbin lhread
appears on the
upper sudace o_ the
Tension ts too tight:
"The bobbin thread will come through
the top of the fabric. The top side of
the stitch wi]l fee] bumpy.