Set the Machine
Stitch width
control 2 to 5
.s Z 34
Top thread tension
control 2 to 6
Stitch length
control 0,5 to 1
Stretch Stitch
F : Satin stitch /_'_-_'_,
toot _
Pressure dial: 2
........ J
........................ J
Baste lor ruse with iron-on fabric
joiner) apptique pieces on the fabric.
Stitch around the applique making
sure the needle fails along the outer
edge of the applique,
When sewing corners, lower the needle
down into the fabric. Raise the presser
foot and pivot the fabric to the right
or left,
o Bar Tacking
set the Machine
Stitch w=dth
control 2 to 5
_ 2 34
Top thread tension
control 2 to 6
A: Zigzag foot
Stitch tength
controt 0.5 to
Stretch Stitch
t::: 7 ,::::i::::,:*! ::i::-:: ::: .: :*::
This stitch is similar to a very short
satin stitch and is used to reinforce
points 'of strain such as corners or
pockets and straps on lingerie.
Sew 4 to 6 z_gzag stitches.