Overcast Stretch Stitching
L'_ Stitch selector: 5
(_) Stitch length: Gold stretch stitch position
(_) Needle thread tension: 1 to 4
(_ Presser foot: Zigzag foot
This stitch is for sewing a seam with an overcast finish. It is
used when re&king swim wear, ski pants and other garments
which require stretch.
• To sew:
Place raw edge of fabric to the "left" of the needle as shown
Sew in a manner so that the needle pierces the fabric very
close to the outside edge Or place the fabric to allow a 16
cm (5/8") seam, then trim seam allowance
Raw or worn edges of older garments can be overcasted to
prevent further raveling
NOTE: Use a #11 blue stretch needle, which effectively
prevents skipped stitching
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Feather Stitch
('_ Stitch selector: 4
(_) Stitch length: Gold stretch stitch position
(_) Needle thread tension: I to 4
Q. Presser foot: Zigzag foot
This stitch is strong, useful and decorative.
11reinforces stretch and woven fabrics. You can use
it to sew spandex undergarments or decoratively
hem elastic fabric
You can also use this stitch in patchwork quilting.
1 Sew this pattern on a seam that is already joined
' add pressed flat;
2. Butt two folded edges together and use this
stitch to join them
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