See_ 10.
e012_ m
Simple zigzag stitching nblu you to do
many exciting things with your Kenmore
sewing machine, Beyond basics, you'H use
zigzag stitching to applique, embroider end
monogram. Unlike straight stttc_, zigzag
stitches have a trials-to-side width as well as a
stitch length. You'll find "recipes" for many
ztg_ operations on followi_ paw. . You
can create on exciting variety of zigzag
stit_ by adjusting stitch width end length
controls {see chart below).
Extra wide zigzag for heavy fabrics cr th_
that fray,,v- set width at 4.
z_ for double layers,like hemm-
i_l- mt at 3.
z_g for most construction
seems_ set at 2.
Namn_ zigzag for light fabrics, barely
shows-- set at 1.