60%–70% of maximum heart rate—General Fitness Zone—
Fat Burning Exercise within this zone improves general
fi tness, begins to develop endurance, and contributes greatly
to weight control and management by utilizing mostly fat
calories for energy.
70%–80% of maximum heart rate—Aerobic Workout
Zone—Endurance Training Exercise within this zone
increases overall fi tness, improves cardiovascular effi ciency
and endurance.
80%–90% of maximum heart rate—Anaerobic Workout
Zone—Performance Training Exercise within this zone
maximizes fi tness and athletic performance. Important: We
strongly recommend you consult with your physician before
exercising in this zone.
Four User Settings
Each user setting allows the you to set up and store into the
computer memory your name, weight, height, age, and sex.
Each user setting allows for two different workout profi les,
which you can customize.
Time Trial
This program enables you to workout against a “pacer” to
determine how long it takes you to cover a preset distance.
You preset the speed of the “pacer” as the baseline of your
workout, and race to the end of the preset distance. At the
end of the Time Trial, the computer displays the watts,
distance, and speed you achieved.
Fitness Test
The Fitness Test is one of the best ways to measure
improvements in your physical fi tness level. The test
measures your fi tness by comparing your power output (in
watts) to your heart rate. In general, as you become “more
fi t,” you will produce more power (watts) at a given heart
rate. As the test starts, the power (watts) slowly increases.
This means you will work harder and, as a result, your heart
rate increases. The watts continue to increase automatically
until your heart rate reaches the “test zone.” This zone
is individually computed to be near 75 percent of your
maximum heart rate. When you reach the “test zone” the
elliptical holds the watts steady for three minutes. This
is to allow you to reach a steady state (where your heart
rate has become basically steady). At the end of the three