
3. Implementation of the communication option cards
3. 6. 5. Configuring the drive in "ATV38 Interchangeability" mode
In order to use the Altivar 38’s periodic input/output variables rather than those of the Altivar 61, you need to set switch 1 to the ON position
and restart the drive.
The PowerSuite software workshop will activate 8 serie mode once the configuration has been transferred.
Configuring the drive control mode
Check and configure as necessary the control mode applied to the drive in the [1.6 - COMMAND] (CtL-) menu on the graphic display
terminal, the integrated display terminal or the PowerSuite software workshop.
[Profile] (CHCF) = [8 serie] (SE8)
3. 6. 6. PLC configuration and application
In the TSX Premium master’s Fipio configurator, only the base module described in the table below is compatible with an Altivar 61 used
in 8 serie mode.
3. 6. 7. Altivar 38 PKW indexed periodic variables
In "ATV38 Interchangeability" mode, we do not recommend using the PKW service for the Altivar 61 indexed periodic variables, as this
service is only designed for accessing the Altivar 61 parameters.
You should, therefore, use the PKW service for the Altivar 38 indexed periodic variables, as described in the User’s Manual for the Altivar
38 VW3-A58311 Fipio card. This service can be used to access only the Altivar 38 parameters.
3. 6. 8. Managing loss of Fipio communication
In order to imitate the Altivar 38’s behavior on disconnection of the bus ("stop on ramp" imposed by the drive), you should configure it using
the integrated display terminal or the graphic display terminal.
In the
[COMMUNICATION FAULTS] (COF-) submenu in the [1.8 - FAULT MANAGEMENT] (FLt-) menu, assign the
[ramp] (rMP) to the [Com Bus Flt Mgt] (CLL) parameter, which is used to imitate the Altivar 38’s behavior on disconnection
of the Fipio bus.
Hence, when the drive is disconnected from the Fipio bus, the CNF fault will be activated and the value of parameter
CLL will cause the motor to stop on a ramp.
3. 6. 9. Communication fault
Fipio communication faults are indicated by the red RD LED on the card.
[Network fault] (CnF-) can be used to obtain more detailed information about the origin of the fault. It can only be accessed
on the graphic display terminal, in the
[1.10 DIAGNOSTICS] (dGt-) menu, [MORE FAULT INFO] (AFI-).
Family Base module
Value Description of the values of the [Network fault] (CnF-) parameter
0 No fault
1 Initialization fault on the Fipio card (hardware problem)
2 Time out for receipt of periodic variables destined for the drive. This time out can be set by the network configuration software.
3 Hardware fault on the Fipio card
4 Hardware fault on the Fipio card
5 Master PLC changes from Run to STOP
Switch 0 (OFF) : Altivar 61 mode
Switch 1 (ON) : 8 serie mode