All new speakers require a minimum of 60 hours break-in-time before
they sound the way they are supposed to. A speaker's performance improves
significantly once broken in. It is critical that you have at least 60 hours on your speakers
before you evaluate them. Don't worry if your speakers do not sound perfect the first time
you play them. This is normal until they are broken in. If you are having difficulty getting
enough hours on your speakers and your 30 day return privilege is getting near, call us.
We will work with you. Please give us the courtesy of breaking the speakers in before you
determine they don't sound right.
Many of our customers break their speakers in by:
A) Leaving them on at moderate listening levels when they are not home.
B) Leaving them on at moderate listening levels while they sleep.
C) Running pink noise through them.
These methods are not convenient for everyone and we understand this. But
please know that you are not giving yourself, your speakers or us a fair chance if you do
not break them in before critical evaluation.