3 Porting Linux RFS
This chapter describes porting overview, hardware configuration for OneNAND, Linux RFS
initialization and porting procedure with OMAP2420 target board.
3.1 Porting Overview
This section describes Linux RFS porting procedure briefly. The procedure is divided into 5
steps as shown in the following figure.
Hardware Configuration
Installation of Linux RFS Sources
Kernel Configurations for RFS
Building Linux Kernel and RFS Kernel
PAM Configurations
Figure 3-1 Linux RFS Porting Procedure
These steps will guide you in porting RFS on your target Platform.
3.2 Porting Procedure
This section will explain you in detail about porting procedure.
3.2.1 Installation of Linux RFS Sources
The first thing you should do is to install the Linux RFS sources into the target system’s kernel
source tree. This step is very easy to fulfill. Extract Linux RFS source files from the package file
on your Linux host PC as explained in Section 2.1. Now go inside the following folder
$(TOP_DIR)/$(RFS_TOP_DIR)/scripts/. In this folder you will find file rfs_install.sh, open this
file and edit following variable in this file.
KERNEL = Set kernel path
RFS = Set RFS source top directory path
ARCH = Set the architecture type
Now run “scripts/rfs_install.sh [kernel_type]” at $(TOP_DIR)/
7 Linux RFS v1.3.0 Porting Guide