
Using your phone near other electronic
Most modern electronic equipment is shielded from ra d i o
f requency (RF) signals.H oweve r,RF signals from PCS tele-
phones may affect inadequately shielded electronic equip-
m e n t .
RF signals may affect impro p e r ly installed or inadequately
shielded electronic operating and entertainment systems in
motor ve h i cl e s .C h e ck with the manu fa c t u r er or its re p re-
s e n t a t i v e to determine if these systems are adequately
shielded from ex t e rnal RF signals.You should also ch e c k
with the manu fa c t u r er re g a rding any equipment that has
been added to your ve h i cl e .
Consult the manu fa c t u rer of any personal medical dev i c e s
( s u ch as pacemake rs and hearing aids) to determine if they
a r e adequately shielded from ex t e rnal RF signals.Tu rn off
the phone in healthcare facilities and request perm i s s i o n
b e fo r e using the phone near medical equipment.
Turn off your phone in dangerous areas
To avoid interfe ring with blasting opera t i o n s ,you should
t u rn off your phone when in a blasting area or in other
a r eas with signs indicating that two - way radios should be
t u rned off. C o n s t ruction crews use re m o t e - c o n t rolled RF
d e vices to set off ex p l o s i ve s .
Tu rn off your phone when you are in any area with a
p o t e n t i a l l y ex p l o s i v e atmosphere .It is ra re ,but your phone
or its accessories could ge n e rate spark s .S p a rks could cause
an explosion or a fi re resulting in bodily injury or eve n
d e a t h .
A reas with a potentially ex p l o s i ve atmosphere are often,
but not always cl e a r ly marke d .T h ey include fueling are a s
s u ch as gas stations;b e l ow deck on boats;fuel or ch e m i c a l
t ra n s fer or storage fa c i l i t i e s ;a reas where the air contains
chemical or part i cles such as gra i n ,dust or metal pow d e rs ;
and any other area where you would norm a l l y be advised
to turn off your ve h i c le engi n e .
Using your phone while driving
Talking on the phone while yo u ’re driving may dive rt yo u r
attention away from the ro a d .In addition,it is illegal in
some states.R e m e m b e r,s a fety comes fi rs t .
When using your phone in the car:
Focus on dri v i n g ,not talking.
Use your optional hands-free car kit.
If you must use the phone while dri v i n g ,please use One-
To u c h Dialing and Speed Dialing.
Following safety guidelines
To operate your phone safe l y and effi c i e n t ly,you should
a lways fo l l ow any special guidelines in a gi ven area and
t u rn your phone off in areas where use is forbidden or
when it may cause interfe rence or dange r.
Turn off your phone before flying
You should turn off your phone befo re boarding any air-
c ra f t .To prevent possible interfe rence with airc raft systems,
U. S .Fe d e ral Aviation A d m i n i s t ration (FAA) re g u l a t i o n s
re q u i re you to have permission from a crew member to
use your phone while the plane is on the gro u n d .To pre-
vent any risk of interfe re n c e , FCC regulations pro h i b i t
using your phone while the plane is in the air.
Restricting children’s access to your phone
Your phone should not be played with by ch i l d re n .T h ey
could hurt themselves and others ,d a m age the phone or
m a ke calls that increase your bill.