
Minute beep
You can set the minute beep option to sound an alert 10
seconds befo r e each elapsed minute to remind you of the
length of the current call.
To turn minute beep on or off :
1 . P ress to display the Main menu in Standby mode
b e fo re placing the call.
2 . P ress for Setup / To o l .
3 . P ress for Sounds.
4 . P ress for A l e rt .
5 . P ress for Minute Beep.
6 . P ress the scroll keys to toggle between On / Off.
7 . When the desired option display s ,p ress to save the
s e t t i n g .
Audible alerts
Your phone will beep at you from time to time to let yo u
k n ow that certain things have happened.You can easily
t u rn these beeps off or on.Fo l l owing is a description and a
simple pro c e d u re to turn them on or off.
Service alert
A service alert is two short beeps that sound when:
The phone ex p e riences a dropped call or a failed call.
The phone enters or leaves a service are a .
To set the service alerts on or off :
1 . P ress to display the Main menu .
2 . P ress for Setup / To o l .
3 . P ress for Sounds.
4 . P ress for A l e rt .
5 . P ress for Serv i c e .
6 . P ress the scroll keys to toggle between On / Off.
7 . When the desired option display s ,p ress to save the
s e t t i n g .