
Phone Settings
Text Display: you can specify whether or not the
phone displays the time and date on the idle screen.
Text Color: you can select the color of the text to be
displayed on the idle screen.
Front LCD
This menu allows you to select the color of an image
to be displayed on the external display.
Menu Style
This menu allows you to select the menu display style.
You can choose either Bar Style or Page Style.
Back Light
You can select the length of time the backlight is on
for. The backlight turns on when you press a key or
receive a call or message and remains on for the
specified length of time.
Service Light
This menu allows you to select whether or not the
service light is used. It also allows you to select a color
in which the service light flashes.
Select one of the seven color settings. When the
phone is ready for use, the service light flashes in the
appropriate color.
If you do not wish to use the service light, select Off.