
Entering Text
Entering Text
N o t e : If you want to exit the text input mode without
saving your input, press . The phone goes
back to the previous menu level.
There are three shift states: Lower Case (no shift
indicator), Initial Cap ( indicator appears), and
Caps Lock ( indicator appears). Press one or
more times to display the appropriate shift
indicator, and begin typing normally.
Meet me at
Save ENG
Shift indicator
• To insert a space, press .
If you make a mistake, you can remove characters
to the left of the cursor by pressing as many
times as necessary. Pressing and holding
clears the screen.
The cursor moves to the right when you press a
different key. When entering the same letter twice
(or a different letter on the same key) just wait for
a few seconds for the cursor to move right
automatically, and then select the next letter.
ABC Mode
Use the keys labelled with letters ( ~ ) to
write with. Press once for the first labelled letter,
twice for the second and three times for the third
etc. Pressing brings up a list of special
characters. See the table on page 37 for more
information on the characters available using the
There are three shift states: Lower Case (no shift
indicator), Initial Cap ( indicator appears), and
Caps Lock ( indicator appears). Press one
or more times to display the appropriate shift
indicator on the bottom of the display, and begin
typing normally.
List of characters available:
Key Characters in the order displayed
: ; ¿ ¡ 1 = /
A B C 2 Ä Æ Å Γ
D E F 3 É
G H I 4 Θ
J K L 5 Λ
M N O 6 Ñ Ö Ø Ξ
P Q R S 7 Π Σ
T U V 8 Ü Φ
W X Y Z 9 ΨΩ
0 x < > % # £
. , ? ! 1 - @
a b c 2 à ä æ å Ç
d e f 3 é è
g h i 4 ì
j k l 5
m n o 6 ñ ò ö ø
p q r s 7 ß
t u v 8 ù ü
w x y z 9
0 + ( ) & _ $
Lower Case
Upper Case
05-A200-Text 3/14/01 3:46 PM Page 44