
Get It Now 96
Once the download is completed, “
Download Complete.
Play video now?
” appears in the display.
5. Select
and press to view the video, or select
return to the V CAST Videos menu.
Not all video content available can be downloaded to your phone;
however, all content is available for viewing.
Deleting Video Clips
1. From the home screen, press
. Press the
directional key right or left to highlight the Get It
Now menu.
2. Press Picture & Video.
3. Press My Videos.
4. Highlight the video you want to erase and press the left
soft key Erase.
5. Highlight Yes when the confirmation screen displays, then
press .
Configure Alerts for New Video Clips
1. Launch V CAST Videos.
2. Press the directional keys (left, right, up, or down) to select
the V CAST Videos categories you want to configure an
alert. Choose a sub category if applicable, then press the
right soft key Options.
3. Highlight Alerts and press .
4. Highlight Configure alerts and press .
5. Select the alert content you want, and press .
6. After reading terms, highlight Save to accept and press
, or highlight Cancel to decline and press .
Fees apply for text messages/alerts both sent and received.
Get New Pictures
1. From the home screen, press
. Press the
directional key right or left to highlight the Get It
Now menu. Press Picture & Video.
2. Press Get New Pictures.