
CCaallll RReeccoorrddss
The SMS (Short Message Service) function is a
network service and may not be supported by your
network. Messages can be sent by text, fax, E-mail
and paging messaging systems, provided that these
services are supported by your network. To send text
messages by phone, you must obtain the number of
the SMS centre from your service provider.
When the icon appears, you have received new
text messages. If the message memory is full, an error
message is displayed and you cannot receive any new
messages. Use the Delete option in the Read
Messages menu (2.1) to delete obsolete messages.
Read Messages Menu 2.1
Two message boxes are available:
Inbox: used to store the messages that you have
Outbox: used to store the messages that you have
already sent or will send
Select the required box. The header of the first
message in the box is displayed:
• Message number
• Message status: New, Old, Not Sent, Sent
(If you have set the Delivery Reports menu
option to ON, the report is also shown; see
page 63 for further details.)
Date and time at which the message was received
(inbox only)
Call Cost Menu 1.5
This network feature lets you view the cost of calls.
The following options are available.
Last Call Cost: cost of the last call made.
Total Cost: total cost of all calls made since the cost
counter was last reset. If the total cost exceeds the
maximum cost set via the Set Max Cost option, you
can no longer make any calls until you reset the
Max Cost: maximum cost set via the Set Max Cost
option (see below).
Reset Counters: option used to reset the cost
counter; you must first enter your PIN2 (see page 22)
and then press the OK soft key.
Set Max Cost: option used to enter the maximum
cost that you authorise for your calls.
Price/Unit: option used to set the cost of one unit;
this price per unit is applied when calculating the
cost of your calls.