Phone Settings
Auto Redial Menu 6-7
With the Auto Redial function, the phone makes up
to ten attempts to redial a phone number after an
unsuccessful call.
N o t e : The interval between two call attempts varies.
The following options are available.
ON: the number is redialled automatically.
OFF: the n u m b e r is not re d i a l l e d.
Auto Answer Menu 6-8
With the Auto Answer function, the phone auto-
matically answers calls after 3, 5 or 10 seconds. You
can also turn this feature off.
N o t e : This feature is only available when the phone
is connected to a car kit (optional).
Caller ID Menu 6-9
You can prevent your phone number from being
displayed on the phone of the person being called.
N o t e: Some networks do not allow the user to
change this setting.
The following options are available.
Default: the default setting provided by the network
is used.