1. Start your Windows, if not already started.
2. Insert the EasyGSM installation CD-ROM into your
CD-ROM drive.
3. From the Start menu, select Run. The Run dialog
box appears.
4. Type d: \ EasyGSM\disk1\setup.exe (where d:
is your CD drive – most CD drives are either d: or
e: ) in the Open box, and click OK.
5. Follow the instructions on the screen.
To install EasyGSM software, your computer must
have at least the following system configuration:
• IBM or IBM compatible computer with 486SX or
higher processor
• Windows 95
• 3 MB or higher RAM
• Free disk space of at least 6 MB
• Mobile Data Soft Driver installed
• GSM phone that supports AT command
(i.e. the SGH series having data functions)
• Interface cable supplied with Mobile Data Soft
System Requirement
Installation Procedure
I n s t a l l a t i o n
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