Healthy Living monitors measure blood pressure and pulse by
using what’s called an oscillometric method, meaning they mea-
sure the fluctuations in pressure. This is done by first wrapping
a fitted cuff around the upper arm. The monitor then automati-
cally fills the cuff with air creating pressure around the arteries
inside of the arm. Mounted inside of the cuff is a special gauge
that is capable of sensing the small oscillations (fluctuations) in
pressure. These fluctuations are produced as a result of the
pressure the cuff has placed around the arm and are, in a basic
sense, the arteries contracting (getting larger and smaller) with
each heart beat. The monitor then measures how high and how
quickly these contractions occur and converts that information
into a digital value. A special valve, called an electrode, deflates
the monitor automatically when the measurement is complete.
Measurement Method
Measurement Method
this mystery that hypertension has been named “the silent
killer.” Don’t let it sneak up on you! Start monitoring your blood
pressure every day with your new Healthy Living monitor.
Why Is It Important To Control My Blood Pressure?
Left uncontrolled, hypertension can place an incredible amount
of stress on your heart and arteries, both of which become
forced to work harder to keep blood flowing in a healthy manner
throughout the body. Over time, this stress may result in health
problems including over-enlargement of the heart, loss of ela
ticity of the arteries, heart disease, stroke and even death.
Making some simple lifestyle changes now may help you to stay
healthy in the future.
Healthy Living blood pressure monitors are convenient for
home use. They are noninvasive, meaning no part of the monitor
enters your body, and provide systolic, diastolic, and pulse mea-
surements. Healthy Living monitors are recommended for use
by people over the age of 18 and are not suitable for clinical use.
Commonly Asked Questions
About Blood Pressure
Commonly Asked Questions About Blood Pressure/Intended Use
Intended Use