
Section 2F: Using Contacts 87
Contacts Entry Options
To access a Contacts entry’s options, highlight the entry and
press Options () > Edit. Highlight one of the options listed
below and press .
[Contact Name] to edit the contact entry name.
[Mobile] to add a phone number to the entry. (See “Adding
a Phone Number to a Contacts Entry” on page 88.)
[Home] to edit the home contact number.
[Work] to edit the work contact number.
[Pager] to edit the pager contact number.
[Fax] to edit the fax contact number.
[Others] to edit or add an additional contact number.
[Email] to add an email address to the entry.
[URL] to add a Web site’s URL to the entry.
[Group] to assign the entry to a group.
[Ring] to assign a preprogrammed or downloaded ringer.
[Birthday] to enter a birth date for the contact.
[Secret] to hide the entry number and information when it
is displayed in the Contacts list.
[Images] to assign a predefined image to a Contacts entry.
You can view the next entry by pressing the navigation key
right or view the previous entry by pressing the navigation
key left.