OfficeServ 7100 Call Server Programming Guide
Samsung Business Communications 2-343
No Code Alarm Name Definition
80 MNF17 PSU Alarm Rec
Over-configuration of cabinet has been corrected.
Alarm Data = Cabinet, Slot(Cx-Syy)
81 MNF18 SLI Fault An SLI card has been detected as out of service via an
internal CODEC test.
Alarm Data = Cabinet, Slot, Port(Cx-Syy-Pzz)
82 MNF19 SLI Recovery An SLI card detected as out of service has been de-
tected as recovered and is in service via internal CO-
DEC test.
Alarm Data = Cabinet, Slot, Port(Cx-Syy-Pzz)
83 MNF20 PSUB Alarm Indicates there are over 120 ports in a cabinet with two
Alarm Data = Cabinet, Slot(Cx-Syy)
84 MNF21 DSS Alarm System capacity of 64-button DSS modules has been
85 MNF26 SIO RxQ Over SIO Tx Queue full error has occurred in the MCP2.
Alarm Data = SIO number(SIO: x)
86 MNF27 SIO RxQ Under SIO Tx Queue under error has occurred in the MCP2.
Alarm Data = SIO number(SIO: x)
87 MNF28 LAN Printer Err LAN printer error has occurred in the MCP2.
Alarm Data = Data Type(SMDR)
88 MNF29 LAN Printer Rec LAN printer error has recovered in the MCP2.
Alarm Data = Data Type(SMDR)
MNG-- Minor Error Minor Fault without Alarm Buffer saving
89 MNG01 Phone Discon-
Indicates the Phone is disconnected.
Alarm Data = Tel number or Cx-Syy-Pzz
90 MNG02 Phone Connect Indicates the Phone is connected.
Alarm Data = Tel number or Cx-Syy-Pzz
91 MNG03 Off Hook Alarm Indicates Extension Off Hook Alarm timer has expired.
Alarm Data = Tel number or Cx-Syy-Pzz
92 MNG04 On Hook Indicates the Off Hook Alarm Extension is on hook.
Alarm Data = Tel number or Cx-Syy-Pzz
93 MNG05 MGI Packet Loss Indicates the MGI connection RTP packet loss is more
than 10 %.
Alarm Data = Tel number or Cx-Syy-Pzz
94 MNG06 MGI Packet Delay Indicates the MGI connection RTP packet delay is more
than 500 ms.
Alarm Data = Tel number or Cx-Syy-Pzz