11 Electrical connection
For electrical installation, you are required to observe the relevant electrotechnical regulations
of the country ofuse as well as theregulations of the local power suppliers.Make sure all electri
cal work is performed by trained and experienced personnel!
Notes on installing the electrical connections
Install the 230 V power supplylines and the signal lines separately! To increase noise immu
nity, observe a minimum distance of 10 cm between the lines. Make sure the minimum dis
tance is also observed when the lines are installed in a cabinet.
The lines for digital signals (buslines) and analog signals (sensor lines, analog outputs) must
also be installed separately!
In plants with a high electromagnetic noise level, we recommend to use shielded cables for
the analog signal lines. Ground the shield at one side, either at the control cabinet inlet or
outlet, using the largest possible cross-section. Connect the central grounding point and the
PE grounding conductor with a cable
10 mm² using the shortest route.
Inductances in the control cabinet, e.g. contactor coils, are to be equipped with suitable in-
terference suppressors (RC elements).
Control cabinet elements with high field strength, e.g. transformers or frequency converters,
should be shielded with separators providing a good ground connection.
Overvoltage protection
If signal lines are installed outside buildings or over large distances, make sure appropriate
surge or overvoltage protection measures are taken. Such measures are indispensable for
bus lines!
The shield of signal lines installed outside buildings must have current conducting capacity
and must be grounded on both sides.
Surge diverters must be installed at the control cabinet inlet.
Connecting the controller
The controller is connected as illustrated in the following wiring diagrams.
If individual inputs for otherfunctions, e.g. for binary input, it mustbe configured in the configu
ration level. Refer to section 2.2 for details.
Open the housing to connect the cables. To connect the feeding cables, make holes in the
marked locations at the top, bottom or back of the rear part of the housing and fit suitable cable
76 EB 5476 EN
Electrical connection