Chapter 26 – Maintaining The Router
Figure 216: Show Difference for selected file between two targets
The Copy This File to Current Configuration button will be present when the
destination archive is the Current Configuration. It allows user to copy the selected
file from the old archive to current configuration.
Note: It is possible to damage your router through use of this feature! Ensure that
the configuration file copied makes sense in the current version of the router.
Note that the copying configurations may not make any actual operating changes
until the systems that own them are restarted.
If the source archive has a file that is not present in the Current Configuration, it is
possible to view that file and then copy it into Current Configuration.
SNMP Configuration
The SNMP menus provide the following configuration features:
• System information
• agent network addresses
• Community access to the agent
• SNMP trap delivery
The SNMP (the Simple Network Management Protocol) protocol is used by network
management systems and the devices they manage. SNMP is used to manage items
on the device to be managed, as well as by the device itself, to report alarm conditions
and other events.
The first version of SNMP, V1, provides the ability to to send a notification of an
event via “traps”. Traps are unacknowledged UDP messages and may be lost in
transit. SNMP V2 adds the ability to notify via “informs”. Informs simply add
acknowledgment to the trap process, resending the trap if it is not acknowledged in a
timely fashion.
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