
ROS™ v3.5 176 RS400
6.2.2 Administrative Convenience
VLANs enable equipment moves to be handled by software reconfiguration instead the
alternative, cable management. When a host’s physical location is changed, its connection point
is often changed as well. With VLANs, the host’s VLAN membership and priority are simply
copied to the new port.
6.2.3 Reduced Hardware
Without VLANs, traffic domain isolation requires using separate bridges for separate networks.
VLANs eliminate the need for separate bridges.
The number of network hosts may often be reduced. Often a server is assigned to provide
services for independent networks. These hosts may be replaced by a single multi-homed host
supporting each network on a its own VLAN. This host can perform routing between VLANs.
Figure 116: Inter-VLAN Communications