RSDX-02e DVD Receiver
3. Press the MEMORY button. ENTER THE
NUMBER OF SPEAKERS scrolls in the dis-
play followed by 5 SPEAKERS, indicating
the default setting for a five speaker system.
4. Use the CONTROL
buttons on the front
panel to adjust the number of speakers to
match your system.
5 SPEAKERS: Select when you have front
speakers, surround speakers, and a cen-
ter channel speaker.
4 SPEAKERS: Select when you have front
speakers, surround speakers, but no cen-
ter channel speaker.
3 SPEAKERS: Select when you have front
speakers, a center channel speaker, but
no surround speakers.
5. Press the MEMORY button. ENTER USE OF
SUBWOOFER scrolls in the display followed
by SUBWFR USE, indicating the default
setting for a subwoofer in the system.
6. Use the CONTROL
buttons on the front
panel to adjust the number of speakers to
match your system.
USE: Select if you have a powered sub-
woofer connected to the system.
NO: Select if you do not have a subwoofer.
7. Press the MEMORY button. ENTER ROOM
SIZE scrolls in the display followed by SMALL
ROOM, indicating the factory default set-
ting for a smaller room.
8. Use the CONTROL
buttons on the front
panel to adjust the number of speakers to
match your system.
SMALL: Select if your listening position
is 8ft (2.4m) from the front speakers and
5 ft (1.5m) from the surround speakers.
MEDIUM: Select if your listening position
is 9ft (2.7m) from the front speakers and
5 ft (1.5m) from the surround speakers.
LARGE: Select if your listening position is
10 ft (3.0m) from the front speakers and
from the surround speakers.
: If your room doesn’t match one of these
options, custom settings are available in the
Comprehensive Setup procedure that follows.
8. Press the MEMORY button to complete the
procedure. SETUP END appears briefly in
the display and the RSDX-02e returns to
normal operation with the new settings.
Comprehensive Setup
The Comprehensive Setup provides more
detailed setup procedure for configuring the
RSDX-02e to operate in your system.
Setup Procedure
The Comprehensive Setup uses the front panel
control buttons and the front panel display and
cannot be done from the remote control ex-
cept where noted.
To begin the Comprehensive Setup:
1. Press the SETTING button on the front panel.
The first adjustment item appears in the front
panel display.
2. Use the CONTROL
buttons on the front
panel to step through the available settings
in the Comprehensive Setup procedure,
Each press of a CONTROL
button ad-
vances up or down to the next available
item as shown in the front panel display:
SUBWFR: Subwoofer setting
FRNT SP: Front speaker setting
CNTR SP: Center speaker setting
SURR SP: Surround speaker setting
FRNT D: Front speaker delay
CNTR D: Center speaker delay
SURR D: Surround speaker delay
CROSS: Crossover frequency setting
LFE: Surround Speaker setting
D.COMP: Dolby Digital dynamic range
compensation setting
DGT: Digital input assignment
AUTO SR: Automatic surround mode
QUICK SETUP: Quick Setup procedure
MODE: Automatic power mode
3. Use the CONTROL
buttons on the front
panel to adjust the item currently shown
in the front panel display.
The following topics describe the settings for
each item.
Subwoofer Setting
The SUBWFR item configures the RSDX-02e
for use with or without a powered subwoofer.
buttons to select one
of two settings:
• YES: Select this setting if you have con-
nected a powered subwoofer.
• NO: Select this setting if your system does
not have a powered subwoofer.
Speaker Settings
The next three items configure the front speak-
ers, center speaker, and surround speakers
in the system.
For each type of speaker, use the CONTROL
buttons to choose one of three options:
• LRG: Select the LARGE setting if the
speaker(s) for this item are capable of re-
producing deep bass.
• SML: Select the SMALL setting to redirect
the deep bass from the speaker(s) for this
item to a powered subwoofer or to large
speakers in the system.
• NO: Select this setting if you do not have
speaker(s) for this item in the system. For
example, if you do not have surround
speakers, select NO for the SURR SP item.
: The NO option is not available for the
front speakers. If you have previously selected
NO for the subwoofer, the front speakers are
automatically set to LARGE.
In the vast majority of systems with a powered
subwoofer, all speakers should be set to SMALL
so that their deep bass is redirected to the
subwoofer. This will almost always result in
better overall bass performance and a system
that will play louder and cleaner, even when
the front speakers are physically large.
Delay Settings
The next three items set the length of digital delay
for each type of speaker so that the sound from
all speakers arrives at your ear simultaneously.
Thus, speakers that are closer to you need longer
delay than speakers that are farther away.
The actual delay times are calculated by the
RSDX-02e. All you have to do is measure the
distance from your listening position to each
group of speakers and enter the setting here.
There are separate settings for front speakers,
center channel speaker, and surround speakers.
• For each type of speaker, use the CON-
buttons to enter the distance to
the that speaker from your listening posi-
tion (in feet). The range of options is from
1 ft. to 30 ft. in 1 foot increments.
: If you have previously selected NO for
either the center or surround speakers, there
will no corresponding Delay Setting item.